May-June 2024


Limited to 8 participants

and Medicine Ceremony Retreat


Unique Convergence of Healing and Wisdom

Liana, an initiated curandera, offers a sanctuary for your soul’s journey through private and small group sacred medicine ceremonies and retreats. She works within a lineage of the Shipibo-Konibo tribe, which stewards an ancient oral tradition of icaros (medicine songs) and other technologies of learning directly from plants and other elemental beings.

These retreats are more than gatherings.

Liana’s retreats integrate Amazonian Plant Medicine Ceremonies with transformative practices from Taoism and other inner alchemy traditions. The retreats are portals to profound personal and collective evolution, grounded in respect for the interconnectedness of all life.


Opening class: Innner Alchemy overview on Sunday, May 19th from 2-5 pm.

Inner Alchemy Practices from Master Plant Teachers Noya Rao and Bobinsana on Monday, June 10th from 5:30-7:30 p.m

Two-night medicine ceremony retreat: (Orcas Island) Friday, June 28- Sunday, June 30th

Integration Session on Monday, July 14th from 5:30-7:00 p.m.


In this small group, deep dive experiential container …

Liana synthesizes wisdom teachings, tools and practices from diverse inner alchemical systems, including Taoism and Chinese medicine, Amazonian plant medicine traditions, Tantric Yoga, Quantum physics, and sprinkles of magic from other esoteric and mystical spiritual traditions.

Emotional Alchemy; A Little Background

 The term emotional alchemy refers to teachings and practices from an array of diverse inner alchemy traditions designed to transmute imbalanced emotions from fear to wisdom, anger to benevolence, anxiety to joy, worry to groundedness, and grief to awe.

Mastering emotional alchemy frees our minds from the traps it sets for us through fear, worry, and hopelessness and frees our bodies from stagnation resulting in pain, inflammation and nervous system dysregulation. 

Ultimately, the art of emotional alchemy reconnects us to the true essence of our souls and guides us toward a full and heart-centered expression of our beings.

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